Inlay Left Handed Mesquite None Right Handed Select Turquoise Wood Stir Fry Spoon by treestump|Published January 25, 2014 Stir Fry Spoon, Left or Right Handed layout_key: post_slider_check_key: 0 tc-thumb-fld: a:2:{s:9:"_thumb_id";i:265;s:11:"_thumb_type";s:10:"attachment";} Product Options Inlay: -- Please Select -- None Turquoise Select: -- Please Select -- Left Handed Right Handed Wood: -- Please Select -- Mesquite Combination of product variants is not available Price: from $30.00 Updating cart... Updating...
Published February 10, 2015 Salad Claws Handmade serving claws, great for salad and pasta Share 2 Share 2